Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Dick Rears its Ugly Head Again

You knew that it had to happen. It was just a matter of time. After being uncharacteristically quiet for a period of time after the November 2006 elections (in an undisclosed location, no doubt) it is back in its full glory. This is not its first reappearance since the "thumping" of 2006. First it shrunk back in defeat, but then it slowly began growing back to prominence. First peeking one eye out at a time. Then rising back up. And now it has fully raised its ugly head again. I am talking, of course, about The Dick Cheney, and it’s recent attack on Democratic Senate leader Harry Reid. Reid and the Democrats have had the audacity to call for a timetable for withdrawal from that catastrophic success known as Iraq in exchange for more war spending. How dare Reid and the Democrats mess with The Bush and The Dick’s little war. On Tuesday The Dick charged that the Dem’s "blind opposition to the new strategy in Iraq" was politically motivated. What?

If The Dick wanted to see a war equals votes strategy, I suggest that it simply go to the Oval office and look at The Bush. Or simply take a long, loving look in the mirror. What it will see are the authors of a war started and continued in large part merely to fan the flames of fear and false patriotism in the American public. Simply for the purpose of wining elections and gaining more power. Take a tragedy, use it to instill fear in the public, then blame it on a non-guilty but handy and defenseless enemy. Then beat the war drums further with false charges of mushroom clouds. Use this to win two elections. Then, when the war goes south, continue the same mantra, despite all of the evidence that your policy is dead and the war is lost. Deny reality. Blame that reality, which you yourself created, on the opposition. Call them unpatriotic or defeatist. Meanwhile, the death toll beat goes on. Yes, The Dick has reared its ugly head yet again. And it is uglier than ever.

If anyone now could now doubt that this administration manipulated 911, the so-called war on terror, and bogus WMDs all for political purposes, just look at the news this week. Look at the testimony before Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-Calf.) House Committee on Oversight and Reform, that the military and this administration lied to Pat Tillman’s family and the American people about the circumstances surrounding Tillman’s death. Tillman, the NFL star who gave up a multi-million dollar contract to join the army to fight, ostensibly, for freedom, was shot and killed by a fellow army ranger in Afghanistan on April 22, 2004. However, to have revealed to the country, particularly following on the heals of the revelations regarding Abu Ghraib, that Tillman was killed by mistake would have been politically unacceptable. After all, in The Bush and The Dick’s wars, Americans, particularly good looking rich football stars, do not die in vain. They must die heroically. So The Bush and The Dick had to create a story, a myth. Just as they had to create the lie about Rambo Jessica Lynch. Just as they created the story and myth of the 911-Saddam connection and WMDs.

The Dick should just shut up and go away. Nobody now believes its crap anymore. It should just hunker down with the Bush and sit out the rest of this war, just like it and The Bush did during Vietnam.

- Jeff Bloomfield

Editors note: Perhaps not so ironically, on Tuesday GOP presidential candidate (and the mayor of New York on 9-11) Rudy Giuliani continued the Republican tradition of the politics of fear, asserting that if a Democrat is elected President in 2008 America will be in greater danger of "a new 9-11." Keith Olbermann took Rudolf to task last night with another one of his amazing Special Comments. Watch it.


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