Monday, April 23, 2007

Nasty Newt

I just could not pass up a quick comment on Newt Gingrich’s statements on ABC News’ "This Week With George Stepanopoulos" Sunday wherein Mr. Newt blamed the Virginia Tech massacre on "liberalism." When asked by Stepanopoulos to explain this comment he replied with some bizarre nonsense about violence in video games, not being able to talk about rights coming from God, and situational ethics. What a craven use of a tragedy for political purposes (typical for Republicans, and not unprecedented for Newt). What a lowlife, scum-sucking pig this guy is. And he wants to run for president? Democrats should be so lucky. Hey Newt, how about blaming Virginia Tech on capitalism? Who sells and makes millions of dollars off of violent video games and music? Ever thought of that? Nah.

- Jeff Bloomfield


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