Thursday, October 19, 2006

Republican Voter Suppression Doesn't Just Happen On Election Day

In Orange County, CA, Republican Tan D. Nguyen's campaign distributed a letter to 14,000 Hispanic Democratic voters, warning them against voting in the November 7 elections.

"You are advised that if your residence in this country is illegal or you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that could result in jail time."

According to the AP article, "this is not the county's first dispute over alleged intimidation of Hispanic voters. In 1988, Republican Assembly candidate Curt Pringle posted uniformed "security guards" at 20 predominantly Hispanic voting places in Orange County."

Republicans will do anything to suppress the vote. Whether it's women, minorities, ex-felons who have served their time, Republicans just don't want people to vote. Volunteer to be a poll watcher on November 7 and help make sure that no one loses his/her right to vote because of intimidation or misinformation.


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