Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Big Republican Government

If you listen to wannabe Repub Pres candidate Newt then you might start to think that everything that is America might be taken away from us out of fear. Sure, we want to protect our cities from danger, but we must ask ourselves exactly what constitutes a dangerous city. Just imagine if even a small percentage of the resources spent in Iraq went to helping America's cities get out of social and economic poverty or disaster (as dreamed in this song).

The main point to take away (especially after an election of campaigning for the exact opposite) is that the Republican version of government in our country is now in fact actually bigger than the stereotypical version of Democrat-run US government (aka the supposed crap of tax and spend).
We should never forget that when you budget, you make choices and prioritize. No matter what you spend, you spend because you need to provide services and protection to your constituents. Today, the argument is no longer about which side of the aisle is for small or big government because to fight a war on terror (which, YES, Democrats do want to do) and also meet the demands of keeping the rep of the most powerful nation going, you will have to spend in one way or another. The answer to smart spending lies in the strategy or ways in which you use your dollars - with the way Iraq is going, who do you think is spending and prioritizing more wisely?


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